We encourage you to explore the free training and development opportunities available from UNL Human Resources at https://hr.unl.edu/training/.
Learning & Development Opportunities
Supervisor Training: Building the Skills to be a More Effective Manager
(for supervisors)
Learning objectives:
- The goal of this presentation is to give you the confidence, tools, and support to work through tough situations you may face as a supervisor
- Learn how to set expectations and communicate clearly with your employees
- Learn how to have accountability conversations
- Learn why documentation is important
- Know when to call HR
UNL Supervisor Guide to Retention & Engagement Conversations: The Power of One Conversation
(for supervisors)
- Available on-demand through Nebraska Bridge App (tile on Firefly)
- Course length: 8 minutes
- Supervisors will learn the purpose and process for having retention and engagement conversations with their team members. Learn why these conversations are an effective way to retain and engage employees, how to choose who to talk to and when, what questions to ask, how to handle the conversation, and determining action items and next steps.
Employment Law Essentials: Hours Worked Compliance
(for supervisors who sign timesheets)
- Available on-demand through Nebraska Bridge App (tile on Firefly)
- Course length: 30 minutes
- Supervisor’s guide to stay in compliance with the Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) for hourly employees.
Family Medical Leave (FML) Overview
(for supervisors and employees)
- Available on-demand
- Course length: 8 minutes
- A brief overview to understanding the University’s Family Medical Leave (FML) Policy and the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Family Medical Leave (FML) Detailed
(for supervisors)
- Available on-demand
- Course length: 35 minutes
- A supervisor’s guide to understanding the University’s Family Medical Leave (FML) Policy and the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Crucial Accountability Miniseries - Lesson 1, Start with Heart
Safety is the foundation of every successful accountability discussion. When others feel safe, you can talk about anything. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to identify and communicate your good intent to establish safety and set your conversation up for success.
Crucial Accountability Miniseries - Lesson 1 | Crucial Learning
Crucial Accountability Miniseries - Lesson 2, State My Path
How can you share your point of view honestly while still maintaining safety and respect? In this lesson, Scott will discuss common conversational pitfalls to avoid and the skills you should use instead.
Crucial Accountability Miniseries - Lesson 2 | Crucial Learning
Crucial Accountability Miniseries - Lesson 3, Diagnose
Now that you’ve discussed the problem, how can you resolve it? The answer lies in the Six Sources of Influence. Addressing behavior through the six sources will help you approach problems more productively and generously, as well as identify several ways to influence better behavior. Great leaders put all Six Sources of Influences to work to make change inevitable.
Crucial Accountability Miniseries - Lesson 3 | Crucial Learning
Explore additional training opportunities: Bridge LMS
Links: Performance Management Orientation Video
Contact Info: ianrhr@unl.edu