Classification & Compensation

HR / Payroll Services
Classification & Compensation
Classification & Compensation Overview


At IANR our goal is to hire and retain the best talent possible. We aim to accurately define the responsibilities of each position so that we can strive to compensate employees at a competitive, fair and equitable wage.

What's Happening Now

IANR Human Resources is available to provide consultation to departmental HR staff and leaders regarding classification and compensation, as well as recruitment and selection within IANR. Our goal is to ensure you know what options are available to help you make informed decisions. Here is a quick guide on IANR pay increase options.

What does classification and compensation include?

  • How do I know if my employee is being compensated adequately compared to other employees?
  • How do I hire a temporary employee?
  • How is a job description classified?
  • Is the position Managerial/Professional or Office/Service?
  • When is a reclassification of a position warranted?
  • How do I request a reclassification of a position?
  • How do I get answers to questions about the PeopleAdmin system?

For questions about classification & compensation, please contact
Chris Gengenbach, Sr. HR Specialist at
Stephanie Bonnema, HR Specialist at