HR / Payroll Services
We offer tools and support to IANR staff and faculty in the areas of classification and compensation, recruitment and selection, onboarding, payroll management, performance management and development, employee relations, rewards and recognition, and learning and development. To learn more about our services click on one of the links below, or view the PDF Version.
Classification & Compensation
- Job Descriptions
- Classification Management
- Compensation Management
Recruitment & Selection
- Job Profiling
- Behavioral-Based Interviewing
- Recruitment Process Management
- Selection Process Management
New Employee Onboarding
- Onboarding Practices
- IANR New Employee Orientation
Performance Management
- Career Investment Discussions
- Strengths-Based Development
Rewards & Recognition
- Promote Available Programs
- Develop New Programs
Learning & Development
- StrengthsFinder Training
- Employee Development
- Manager Development
- Leadership Development
- E-learning
Employee Relations
- Manager/Employee Conflict Resolution
- Manager Coaching
- Work-Life Balance
Strategic HR Management
- Workforce Planning
& Analytics - INSPIRE Project Implementation
- Metrics, Reporting & Evaluation
- Succession Planning
Software Support
- Systems: SAP,
PeopleAdmin, Focus - Customer Support & Training
- Troubleshooting & Testing
- Implementation & Maintenance